David McCarthy

David McCarthy

PhD Candidate in Economics

European University Institute


I am a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

My advisors are Russell Cooper and Thomas Crossley.

  • Quantitative Macro
  • Firm Dynamics
  • Household Finance


Work in Progress

Green Subsidies and Taxation in the Automobile Market

Nonlinear Productivity Dynamics

with José Alberto Ferreira, and Marius Grünewald

Asymmetric Durable Responses to Policy Shocks

with Juan Castellanos


TA PhD Courses

Macro II: New Keynesian Economics

European University Institute, TA to Prof. Edouard Challe

Lecture Notes I wrote for the course on the basic New Keynesian Model and linearization techniques.

TA Undergraduate Courses

Industrial Organisation

Université Catholique de Louvain, TA to Prof. Paul Belleflamme, Spring 2021

Public Economics

Université Catholique de Louvain, TA to Prof. Jean Hindriks, Spring 2021

Political Economy

Université Catholique de Louvain, TA to Prof. Rigas Oikonomou and Prof. Gonzague Vannoorenberghe, Fall 2021